BC Solutions & SCC Soft Computer

SoftBank® & SoftDonor® OQ Validations

BC Solutions has SCC trained consultants ready to perform your SoftBank® or SoftDonor® validation, guaranteed to meet or exceed all the relative regulatory requirements.

Using our proprietary R.F. Nozick OQ Validation Program, transfusion or donor software is validated against a set of User Requirement Specifications (URS) which describe the processes and safety checks expected from all blood bank or donor software applications.

For validation of SoftBank® and SoftDonor® systems, we perform up to 22 different test plans customized to match the functionality of your specific system configuration, possibly more if your system requires it. Then we provide screen-capture evidence of each step in every plan to ensure you have all the support you need in the event of an audit or similar inquiry.

For more information on why you should use BC Solutions for a third-party validation, check out this feature from CAP Today Online.

Data Extraction, Conversion, and Validation

If you are moving to a new SCC Soft system or bringing a new facility online from another system to integrate with your existing Soft system, we have a team of data extraction, conversion, and validation experts who can ensure your data integrity is preserved and your ePHI is kept safe.