Data Conversion and Validation

We speak the language of your system and can help make the transition from a legacy system to a new one an easier transition. Our archive options are designed to meet the regulatory requirements for blood bank specific data without ongoing fees.

Data Conversion & Migration

When migrating patient and blood product history to a new information system, it’s important that no critical data gets left behind. Our experienced migration specialists can help extract historical data from the legacy database or create a new archive database. Additionally our specialists can help with the design and build of your new system’s infrastructure.

Working in products like Cerner Millennium PathNet, Mediware HCLL Client/Server, and Sunquest laboratory, we create translation tables to convert patient history and blood product history to your new target system while meeting the specific system design needs that you require.

Patient history conversions may include: Demographics, blood typing and general testing results, antibodies, antigens, problems, comments and transfusion requirements. Donor modules can also be included when necessary.

Blood product history conversions may include: Source and inventory details, product testing results, antibodies, antigens, product comments and transfusion history. Supplied and manufactured products can be exported along with their transaction and final disposition history. Auxiliary data streams can be created to maintain the relationships between pooled, derivative and original units.

The process of Data Conversion is customized to the needs of your facility. Please give us a call or send an email with the specifics of your project and we would be happy to provide a quote that provides just what you need for a successful transition.

Data Conversion Validation

Once the Migration of historical data is complete, our team of analysts will validate the integrity of data migrated from your current database to your new system database. Validation can be performed via remote access to both the legacy system and new database. A sampling plan is generated to include all of the data fields you have determined to require validation.

The sampling plan will include client selected “problem” records as well as randomly selected sample records. The record selection is designed to validate all critical translation data included in the migration.

Our analysts perform visual examination of the records. Pass/fail criteria are applied, and outlier resolution forms are generated as needed. Screen captures are taken as evidence of validation.

We take patient safety and privacy seriously. All of our analysts are HIPAA ePHI certified, and all reports (sample plan, list of records testing, results and outliers) are provided to you via secure file download.

Conversion & Data Validation

Blood Bank Specific

Conversion Requires Compliance

Each Clinical Information System formats data differently. Our conversion team has experience with all major laboratory, pathology and blood bank software systems and knows what steps are required to accurately migrate all types of clinical data. We give you tools to help with the important decisions you have to make, and our Consultants are there throughout the process until you are ready to go live with a new system, or have your historical data archived.

Clear, thorough, and compliant. Just like your team. Experience matters. Change doesn’t have to be a Challenge.

How we work:

We work remotely with little impact on your daily activities. Our priorities are quality, compliance, and patient safety, but we also understand that our work is just a small piece of what makes your laboratory run.

That’s why we provide:

  • A project road map that is built to meet go live goals.
  • Data Conversion specialists versed in legacy and new system requirements.
  • Validation documentation to prove compliance.

Whether you use BC Solutions to perform validation, work with our Consultants to test workflows and interfaces, or rely on us to support your ongoing Compliance Program, we are committed to finding the solution that works for your team.

Your patients, donors, and clients expect personal care from you. Our clients expect the same from us.

Experience Matters.
Change doesn’t have to be a Challenge.